Rescind : रद्दबातल
एखादा नियम, करार, किंवा निर्णय अधिकृतपणे रद्द करणे किंवा मागे घेणे.
To officially cancel or take back something, like a rule, agreement, or decision.
For example, if your parents say you can stay up late but then change their mind, they are rescinding their permission.
वाक्यात उपयोग (Use in a sentence)
- The school decided to rescind the holiday for Friday when the government announced an important exam that day.
- Riya’s parents rescinded their permission to let her go to the movie because she didn’t complete her homework.
- The cricket coach rescinded the practice session because it started raining heavily.
- The shopkeeper had to rescind the discount on the toy after realizing the sale had already ended.
- The principal rescinded the idea of a half-day at school when the guest speaker confirmed their visit.
बुद्धिप्रामाण्य, Investor, अनुदिनीकार, लेखक, कवी
(१) संगणकाची गोष्ट (२०१७)